Brian Bergman
Dr. Bergman is a dentist with a thirty year passion for lilies. He raises approximately 25,000 plus plants a year on an acre of land that he rents near St Catherine’s, Ontario. A large percentage of those plants, perhaps 80%, are seedlings or plants that he has created through his hybridizing efforts.
Brian Bergman's Presentation; My pursuit of Lilies for the Garden, will focus on hybridizing to find that perfect lily with staying power. Lilies are like daffodils, it takes 10-20 years to introduce a new daffodil to the "market and it takes almost as long to introduce a "garden Lily”. Almost all the lilies one buys in the garden centers are designed and hybridized for the "cut flower" trade (in other words for the florist and to be raised in greenhouse conditions). His goal is to produce hybrids that will grow outside in "garden conditions”, lilies that will survive ,year after year and produce a plethora of blooms. His ultimate goal as an amateur hybridizer is to introduce a "Hall of Fame Lily", a Lily that can be depended on for a generation or more. He will also showcase the "fabulous past" in lilies and introduce what he hopes will give a "fabulous future" in growing lilies.